1. Imam Malik College for Sharia and Law adopts the mandatory attendance system. Students must attend all theoretical and practical classes, research sessions and exams of the courses they enroll in.
2. The course instructor is responsible for the attendance records of students enrolled in the course. S\he is responsible for verifying excuses for their absence, if any, and issuing absence warnings after obtaining the approval of the Academic Department Head and the Dean.
3. If the student’s absence in the course is (10%) of its total actual hours, the course instructor will issue him\her a warning, unless the teacher verifies that a compelling excuse has prevented him\her from attending. The excuse shall be approved by the head of the academic department.
4. If the student's absence without an acceptable excuse is (17%) of the total actual hours of the course, the course instructor will issue him\her a final warning. The warning will be approved by the head of the department and the dean.
5. If the percentage of the student’s absence in the course is (25%) without an acceptable excuse, the student will be forbidden to take the course exams in the semester. His\her academic record must show that s\he fails the course. If the percentage of his\her absence in the course is (25%) and there is an excuse accepted by the department council and dean, the student will be forbidden to take the course exams in the semester. In this case, the phrase (withdrawn) will be written in his\her academic record parallel to this course.
6. When the student’s failure or withdrawal from the course due to absence is confirmed, the college board will inform the Student Affairs Department of the decision to be registered in the student’s academic record.
7. Absence with or without an excuse is included in the maximum permissible absence period, as mentioned in the previous article.