
Deferral and leave of absence


  1. A new student, after being accepted in the college, may submit an application to the Student Affairs Department to postpone his\her admission for one or two semesters as a maximum, due to an acceptable excuse that prevents him\her from completing the registration process. If the student does not register at the beginning of the third semester as a maximum, his\her admission will be canceled. The admission will be canceled automatically, when s\he does not apply for registration nor postponement after announcing his\her admission before the deadline.

  2. A student who has completed at least a full semester may take a leave of absence for the next semester to the Student Affairs Department. The vice executive president will accept to suspend the student’s registration, whenever there is a compelling excuse that prevents him\her from attending, and he will inform the college council. 

  3. If a student leaves, without submitting a request to suspend his\her registration, for a sustained period close to the end of the permissible period during the first four weeks, his\her registration will be suspended compulsorily by decision of the Executive Vice President.  The college council may allow the student who compulsorily suspended to register again, when it is proven that his\her suspension is due to a compelling excuse. The Student Affairs Department will be notified of the council's decision taken in this regard. 

  4. The student whose registration has been suspended voluntarily or compulsorily retains all his\her grades in the previous semesters. They shall be considered, if s\he returns before the deadline. 

  5. The period of voluntary or compulsory suspension may not exceed four consecutive or separate academic semesters, including the semester in which the registration was suspended. If the suspension exceeds the aforementioned period, the student’s registration will be permanently canceled, and the phrase “withdraw from the college” will be written in his\her academic record, as well when submitting a voluntary withdrawal request. 

  6. A student who withdrew from the college may submit a request to re-enroll in the college.  In this case, it is permissible by decision of the college council based on recommendations of the department council to approve the student' previous grades for his\her new registration, provided that the suspension period does not exceed six consecutive semesters (three years). 

  7. If the suspension period exceeds six semesters, the student may re-enroll in the college as a new student, so s\he loses the right to benefit from all his\her previous studies and grades in the college. 

  8. The periods of suspension and withdrawal will not be counted in the maximum period for obtaining a bachelor’s degree.

  9. Students may not benefit from any academic course studied at another university, college, or accredited higher institute during the leave of absence or withdrawal. They cannot request equivalence with similar courses offered by the college. 

  10. Students who take a leave of absence or withdraw may ask for copies of their academic records.

الكلمات الدليلية: الشريعة, القانون, الإمام مالك, كلية, دبى, الإمارات , الشريعة والقانون.