

Institutional Research and Quality Assurance reports to His Excellency the CEO of the College. It is concerned with promoting the best quality standards and their applications at the college level through the following objectives:

- To achieve a competitive performance in education and research.

- To improve the capabilities of faculty members regarding the quality of education and scientific research.

- To support decisions that ensure the continuous development of improvement opportunities.

- Excellence in performance.


 The Unit of Institutional Research and Quality Assurance assumes the following responsibilities:    

-          Promoting the culture of quality and excellence in order to apply quality standards in education.

-          Supporting the evaluation process, providing the necessary information on the performance of the academic departments and the scientific, administrative and service units in the college in order to achieve effectiveness and continuous improvement, and publicizing the use of the SWOT analysis for performance guidance.

-          Designing forms of plans, questionnaires and evaluation tables for departments and units, in coordination with their heads, guiding those concerned with using these forms, and organizing lectures in the college to raise awareness of education quality and effectiveness and the mechanism for improving the efficiency of each program or administrative and service units. 

Collecting and analyzing data to issue statistics used to evaluate performance of academic programs and scientific, administrative and service units, and publishing information, results and indicators regularly in relation to the strategic plan to be considered when developing or modifying plans.

Identifying assessment tools used to measure learning outcomes, giving the student’s point of view a prominent role in this process through questionnaires and analysis of their exam results, in addition to the opinions of graduates, and the employer evaluation.

Carrying out comparative studies that compare the overall performance level of the college with performance levels of similar institutions inside and outside the country, to benefit from their experience as much as possible.



الكلمات الدليلية: الشريعة, القانون, الإمام مالك, كلية, دبى, الإمارات , الشريعة والقانون.