
Add\Drop Courses

  1. Students enrolled in a semester may drop or add some courses previously selected and approved, provided that the total number of credit hours does not exceed or fall below the limits according to the study plan. This must be done during the first three weeks, as students cannot change courses after this period. 

  2. In the guidance form and the e-record, a phrase “dropped” shall be written parallel to the dropped course and a phrase “added” parallel to the added course.

3 - The steps for changing or adding courses are as follows:

- The student who would like to change his\her schedule shall go to the Admission and Registration Department before the deadline and ask for a copy of the guidance form to select new courses.

- The student shall give the modified form to the academic advisor to make sure that there is no contradiction, and approve it.

- Then, the student shall go to the head of the Admission and Registration Department to approve the guidance form duly, and to the employee authorized to enter the modifications in the student's e-record.

- The Student Affairs Department shall inform the college council of this modification when it is done. 

الكلمات الدليلية: الشريعة, القانون, الإمام مالك, كلية, دبى, الإمارات , الشريعة والقانون.